302 Funeral is a product of 302 online applications

Thanks to our years of experience in the funeral industry, 302 Funeral has created a total package that allows funeral professionals to bring their services to the digital age. We understand better than anyone that funerals are important moments in the lives of bereaved families, which must proceed smoothly and respectfully. With that in mind, we built the services within 302 Funeral.

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Our promises

  • Reliability. Our services work anytime, anywhere. Even in locations where there is limited or no internet, such as in large churches, as a funeral professional you can use 302 Funeral without any problems. Where necessary, we also support on-site installation of seamlessly interoperable A/V technology.

  • Security. Funeral ceremonies are confidential matters and should remain so. This is why security is of paramount importance to us. We continually ensure that our systems are optimally protected against outside threats and keep uninvited guests from your door.

  • Humanity. Need help, support or advice? We don't operate with incompetent customer service or long wait times in a ticket system. If you email or call us, you get personal help from a knowledgeable IT professional right away. So that you can quickly get on with what matters most: supporting relatives.

Questions or advice?

Please contact us

Want more information or have a question? Please contact me and I will be happy to help you.


Ronald Spies
+31 24 711 03 07